Zap! Get Rid of Static Hair

How to avoid hair static

One of the most common hair problems during the colder months is the dreaded static. 

It strikes every single time! Take off your beanie...ZAP! Put on your sweater...ZAP! Tie up a scarf...ZAP! Hair conducts energy and when there is an imbalance of ions (two positive charges that repel each other) static energy causes the hairs to stand on end.

But where does this imbalance come from? Static energy occurs due to dry air when we have to turn up the heaters. Hair has the ability to absorb water from the environment, but without moisture in the air it eventually dries up making it easier for static energy to be conducted through the strands.

Zap! Get Rid of Static Hair | The Hair Routine

Don’t get confused

Static and frizz are two different things. Frizz is caused by too much water in the strands and hair types with high porosity will get frizzy more frequently when the humidity is high like at the beach. On the other hand, static is too much energy in your hair caused by not enough moisture in the strands. Some types of hair are more prone to static than others. Hair types with low porosity have a harder time absorbing water, and the ones with high porosity have it easier.

Moisture is the key!

Here are some tips to help you deal with the static, this should be your bible on dry, cold days:

As you may have guessed, moisturizing the strands is the most important hack to prevent or eliminate static. Constantly moisturize the strands with a hair mask treatment that includes moisture-locking ingredients such as sugars and vitamin B5.


Avoid extra hot water and use shampoo only on the scalp, not on the ends since it will only further contribute to drying them up.

Avoid heat at all costs. Blow dryers and straighteners are sometimes necessary during the cold days, but don’t forget that they will completely dry out your hair from any water stored in the strands.

Protect your hair by finishing with a little bit of cold-pressed marula or grapeseed oil. Apply it by smoothing it down your hair in the direction that it grows: downwards

Another great hack is to spray a bit of water on your brush. Ever heard of this tip to eliminate static from your clothes? Well, it works the same way with your hair.

Metal combs work excellently in these cases. Softly comb the staticky hairs with a metal comb to absorb the energy from the strands to the metal. Wood combs can also get the job done pretty well!

Always make sure that your hair is healthy and constantly moisturized. If you have trouble figuring out what your hair needs – water, oil, or protein- complete the Hair Routine test and get your personal routine